A picture of crops

Restore Landscapes
Through Every Transaction Your Company Does

A high volume for 1-for-1 restoration model, planting a plant through each iteam sold.

Learn More

What we do

Reduce Reuse
Grow Inc

A picture a plant

Reduce Reuse Grow. Inc is a 1-for-1 reforestation company that helps enterprise-level clients counteract their operation's enviromental impact by planting a plant with each high-volume transaction made.

Learn More
A picture of a plant
a collage of farmers harvesting

Map of our reforestation

Where we restore

numbers showing the statistics of the projects we have runimage element describing text with a photo of a forest being reserved

These are the site locations and impacts made through our reforestation programs to date.

Learn More
A picture of a tree


One-for-one transacting Pairing

Our application allows for the seamless pairing of your customer transactions or company services to designated trees and plants. Whether it's 100k to 10m transactions per month, our system automates the pairing and data process.

People doing work


API Connection

Through our API, your company gains access to paired transactions. This can be focused down to an individual transaction or showcase the program as an aggregate, creating a broad range of inputs for data visualization for your customers.

Dashboard design view


Certificate Generator

 A certificate is generated through each transaction pairing, packing in dozens of impact metrics to communicate back to your team and the customer.

Watering plants


Planting Partner Connectivity

The planting data is all streamlined and accurate down to each tree, thanks to our automated reporting connection to our planting partners on the ground.


One-for-one transacting Pairing

A picture of a tree

Our application allows for the seamless pairing of your customer transactions or company services to designated trees and plants. Whether it's 100k to 10m transactions per month, our system automates the pairing and data process.


API Connection

People doing work

Through our API, your company gains access to paired transactions. This can be focused down to an individual transaction or showcase the program as an aggregate, creating a broad range of inputs for data visualization for your customers.


Certificate Generator

Dashboard design view

A certificate is generated through each transaction pairing, packing in dozens of impact metrics to communicate back to your team and the customer.


Planting Partner Connectivity

Watering plants

The planting data is all streamlined and accurate down to each tree, thanks to our automated reporting connection to our planting partners on the ground.

Accounting and Compliance

Tree Accounting

A person holding a tree

Our technology provides a live time feed of your trees throughout the tree accounting, allocation, and planting process. From payment release to trees in the ground, and for years after, you receive access to data that focuses down to the level of an individual tree.

Accounting and Compliance


A man looking at a tree

Our payment and tree accounting process is 100% verifiable and audited by third-party vendors in order to ensure your payments are aligned with the designated tree volumes.

Accounting and Compliance

Payment Audits

A picture of a jungle

Accounting audits are performed in order to verify payment balances to trees allocated that reflect volumes outlined in planting partner agreements.

Accounting and Compliance

Planting Audits

Men planting trees

Planting audits are performed in order to account for and verify that the correct volumes of trees and survival rates align with the program contract.

Planting Assurance

Planting Verification

A man carrying trees

Each tree is verified and accounted for throughout the planting process. This includes from nursery to planting, transparent timestamps, and geolocating for each tree unit, for each site. (Currently in beta testing with select partners).

Planting Assurance

Field Data

A man teaching a woman about trees

Through direct report uploads from our field partners, tree data specific to your programs are accurate and auditable.

Planting Assurance


A man standing in a field holding a piece of paper

We work with industry-leading third-party technology and certification bodies, to audit and certify each client’s program volumes and claims.

Planting Assurance

Streamline Reporting

A person typing

All this reporting, down to the single tree/transaction is streamlined through the RRG Restoration Dashboard and accessible via the dashboard interface for internal executive reporting, or the API for customer engagement.


Variety Of Carbon Solutions

aerial photograph of a tree in a forest

Through our programs, we have the ability to custom design a carbon solution project specific to your company’s goals.


Nature-Based Solutions

Graphic design showing forest projects

Our programs inherently sequester carbon. We provide a non-verified, but resource referenced carbon unit accounting to help showcase your company’s impacts via the restoration efforts made.



A graph design

We have the ability to design larger-scale projects for your organization to directly own Verified Carbon Units through a customized program.



A person typing

All of our carbon claims can be independently verified and sourced in our to ensure efficacy and accuracy for the program’s impact claims being made.

Customer Engagement

API Engagement

The transparency offered in our planting programs help to strengthen our clients' customer relationships by showcasing how their individual contribution is tangible.

Customer Engagement

Customer Aggregator

Our technology allows us to aggregate planting impacts over time for each customer, allowing for unique ways to highlight re-occurring impact updates.

Customer Engagement

On-Site Documentation

Through our programs, we document the restoration process for each project via on-site media. By capturing these project stories both in photo and video format, we’re able to work with your brand to create high-quality, impactful, and unique content that resonates with your customers.

Customer Engagement

Story Creation

A man touching plants

We work with your marketing and CSR team to produce stories that showcase the meaningful impacts generated through the restoration efforts.


Designed to increase CSR Metrics

A picture of a mountain

We work with your team to increase customer engagement and help drive recurring sales. At the core of our model, we design programs that will deliver significant environmental impacts, that are also structured to drive an increase in ROI from CSR that directly engages the customer.


Increase Engagement

Blue user interface

Our programs prove to increase engagement in customer sales and provide additional touchpoints for storytelling, impact tracking, and full correspondence.


New Product and Market Reach

A person touching a tree

Use our programs to launch new sustainability-based products or reach specific client bases with a strong CSR value.


Recurring Sales

A picture of a jungle

Through the ability to create multiple re-occurring touchpoint opportunities, our program and technology allow for increased reoccurring sale potential through the impact your customers create.

A person holding a tree

Accounting and Compliance

Tree Accounting

Our technology provides a live time feed of your trees throughout the tree accounting, allocation, and planting process. From payment release to trees in the ground, and for years after, you receive access to data that focuses down to the level of an individual tree.

A man looking at a tree

Accounting and Compliance


Our payment and tree accounting process is 100% verifiable and audited by third-party vendors in order to ensure your payments are aligned with the designated tree volumes.

A picture of a jungle

Accounting and Compliance

Payment Audits

Accounting audits are performed in order to verify payment balances to trees allocated that reflect volumes outlined in planting partner agreements. 

A farmer planting a crop

Accounting and Compliance

Planting Audits

Planting audits are performed in order to account for and verify that the correct volumes of trees and survival rates align with the program contract.

A man carrying trees

Planting Assurance

Planting Verification

Each tree is verified and accounted for throughout the planting process. This includes from nursery to planting, transparent timestamps, and geolocating for each tree unit, for each site. (Currently in beta testing with select partners).

A man teaching a woman about trees

Planting Assurance

Field Data 

Through direct report uploads from our field partners, tree data specific to your programs are accurate and auditable.

A man reading the results of the trees

Planting Assurance


We work with industry-leading third-party technology and certification bodies, to audit and certify each client’s program volumes and claims.

A person typing on a laptop

Planting Assurance

Streamline Reporting

All this reporting, down to the single tree/transaction is streamlined through the RRG Restoration Dashboard and accessible via the dashboard interface for internal executive reporting, or the API for customer engagement.


Variety of Carbon Solutions

Through our programs, we have the ability to custom design a carbon solution project specific to your company’s goals.

Graphic design showing forest projects


Nature-Based Solutions

Our programs inherently sequester carbon. We provide a non-verified, but resource referenced carbon unit accounting to help showcase your company’s impacts via the restoration efforts made.

A graph design



We have the ability to design larger-scale projects for your organization to directly own Verified Carbon Units through a customized program. 

drone hovering over a design of analytics



Through our programs, we have the ability to custom-design a carbon solution project specific to your company’s goals.

image collage

Customer Engagement

API Engagement

The transparency offered in our planting programs help to strengthen our clients' customer relationships by showcasing how their individual contribution is tangible

Customer Engagement

Customer Aggregator

Our technology allows us to aggregate planting impacts over time for each customer, allowing for unique ways to highlight re-occurring impact updates.

Customer Engagement

On-Site Documentation

Through our programs, we document the restoration process for each project via on-site media. By capturing these project stories both in photo and video format, we’re able to work with your brand to create high-quality, impactful, and unique content that resonates with your customers.

A man touching plants

Customer Engagement

Story Creation

We work with your marketing and CSR team to produce stories that showcase the meaningful impacts generated through the restoration efforts.

An aerial view of a forest with mountains in the background


Designed to increase CSR Metrics

We work with your team to increase customer engagement and help drive recurring sales. At the core of our model, we design programs to that will deliver significant environmental impacts, but also that are structured to drive an increase in ROI from CSR.

Blue user interface


Increase Engagement

Our programs increase engagement in customer sales and provide additional touchpoints for storytelling, impact tracking, and full correspondence.

A person touching a tree


New Product and Market Reach

Use our programs to launch new sustainability-based products or reach specific client bases with a strong CSR value.

A picture of a jungle


Recurring Sales

Through the ability to create multiple re-occurring touchpoint opportunities, our program and technology allow for increased reoccurring sale potential through the impact your customers create.

Partner Database

Variety of Sites

We have a diverse and growing network of project partners with on the ground presences around the globe and have the ability to implement a range of restoration project types. This allows for us to design programs with impacts and stories that align with our clients brand and CSR goals and that are unique to them.

Learn More

We envision an economy where with each transaction, we can empower and generate diversified impacts globally for the betterment of society and nature. 

Our experiences have led us to develop a great appreciation for the natural world. We understand how essential it is to our well-being as individuals and as a collective. We also recognize where the world is, the challenges we face, and understand how simple and slight shifts in direction can make a drastic difference in our future. 

Collaborate with us
A picture of crops

Restore Landscapes
Through Every Transaction Your Company Does

A high volume for 1-for-1 restoration model, planting a plant through each item sold.

Learn More

What we do

Reduce Reuse
Grow Inc

A picture a plant

Reduce Reuse Grow. Inc is a 1-for-1 reforestation company that helps enterprise-level clients counteract their operation's enviromental impact by planting a plant with each high-volume transaction made.

Learn More
A picture of a plant
maps of the world showing the RRG projects

These are the site locations and impacts made through our reforestation programs to date.

Learn More
A picture of a tree


One-for-one transacting Pairing

Our application allows for the seamless pairing of your customer transactions or company services to designated trees and plants. Whether it's 100k to 10m transactions per month, our system automates the pairing and data process.

People doing work


API Connection

Through our API, your company gains access to paired transactions. This can be focused down to an individual transaction or showcase the program as an aggregate, creating a broad range of inputs for data visualization for your customers.

Dashboard design view


Certificate Generator

 A certificate is generated through each transaction pairing, packing in dozens of impact metrics to communicate back to your team and the customer.

Watering plants


Planting Partner Connectivity

The planting data is all streamlined and accurate down to each tree, thanks to our automated reporting connection to our planting partners on the ground.


One-for-one transacting Pairing

A picture of a tree

Our application allows for the seamless pairing of your customer transactions or company services to designated trees and plants. Whether it's 100k to 10m transactions per month, our system automates the pairing and data process.


API Connection

People doing work

Through our API, your company gains access to paired transactions. This can be focused down to an individual transaction or showcase the program as an aggregate, creating a broad range of inputs for data visualization for your customers.


Certificate Generator

Dashboard design view

A certificate is generated through each transaction pairing, packing in dozens of impact metrics to communicate back to your team and the customer.


Planting Partner Connectivity

Watering plants

The planting data is all streamlined and accurate down to each tree, thanks to our automated reporting connection to our planting partners on the ground.

Accounting and Compliance

Tree Accounting

A person holding a tree

Our technology provides a live time feed of your trees throughout the tree accounting, allocation, and planting process. From payment release to trees in the ground, and for years after, you receive access to data that focuses down to the level of an individual tree.

Accounting and Compliance


A man looking at a tree

Our payment and tree accounting process is 100% verifiable and audited by third-party vendors in order to ensure your payments are aligned with the designated tree volumes.

Accounting and Compliance

Payment Audits

A picture of a jungle

Accounting audits are performed in order to verify payment balances to trees allocated that reflect volumes outlined in planting partner agreements.

Accounting and Compliance

Planting Audits

Men planting trees

Planting audits are performed in order to account for and verify that the correct volumes of trees and survival rates align with the program contract.

Planting Assurance

Planting Verification

A man carrying trees

Each tree is verified and accounted for throughout the planting process. This includes from nursery to planting, transparent timestamps, and geolocating for each tree unit, for each site. (Currently in beta testing with select partners).

Planting Assurance

Field Data

A man teaching a woman about trees

Through direct report uploads from our field partners, tree data specific to your programs are accurate and auditable.

Planting Assurance


A man reading the results of the trees

We work with industry-leading third-party technology and certification bodies, to audit and certify each client’s program volumes and claims.

Planting Assurance

Streamline Reporting

A person typing

All this reporting, down to the single tree/transaction is streamlined through the RRG Restoration Dashboard and accessible via the dashboard interface for internal executive reporting, or the API for customer engagement.


Variety Of Carbon Solutions

aerial photograph of a tree in a forest

Through our programs, we have the ability to custom design a carbon solution project specific to your company’s goals.


Nature-Based Solutions

Graphic design showing forest projects

Our programs inherently sequester carbon. We provide a non-verified, but resource referenced carbon unit accounting to help showcase your company’s impacts via the restoration efforts made.



A graph design

We have the ability to design larger-scale projects for your organization to directly own Verified Carbon Units through a customized program.



A person typing

All of our carbon claims can be independently verified and sourced in our to ensure efficacy and accuracy for the program’s impact claims being made.

Customer Engagement

API Engagement

Our programs help client customers understand how their contribution is tangible, create transparency and strengthen their customer relationship. There are dozens of impact points generated from the restoration project data and through our API, your company can curate a brand-specific experience for your customers to engage in with your company and sales process.

Customer Engagement

Customer Aggregator

Our technology allows us to aggregate planting impacts over time for each customer, allowing for unique ways to highlight re-occurring impact updates.

Customer Engagement

On-Site Documentation

Through our programs, we document the restoration process for each project via on-site media. By capturing these project stories both in photo and video format, we’re able to work with your brand to create high-quality, impactful, and unique content that resonates with your customers.

Customer Engagement

Story Creation

A man touching plants

We work with your marketing and CSR team to produce stories that showcase the meaningful impacts generated through the restoration efforts.


Designed to increase CSR Metrics

A picture of a mountain

At the core of our programs, we design programs that are based on driving increased CSR ROI. We work with your team in order to increase engagement, new product reach, and re-occurring sales, all supported by the impact of the restoration programs.


Increase Engagement

Blue user interface

Our programs prove to increase engagement in customer sales and provide additional touchpoints for storytelling, impact tracking, and full correspondence.


New Product and Market Reach

A person touching a tree

Use our programs to launch new sustainability-based products or reach specific client bases with a strong CSR value.


Recurring Sales

A picture of a jungle

Through the ability to create multiple re-occurring touchpoint opportunities, our program and technology allow for increased reoccurring sale potential through the impact your customers create.

A person holding a tree

Accounting and Compliance

Tree Accounting

Our technology provides a live time feed of your trees throughout the tree accounting, allocation, and planting process. From payment release to trees in the ground, and for years after, you receive access to data that focuses down to the level of an individual tree.

A man looking at a tree

Accounting and Compliance


Our payment and tree accounting process is 100% verifiable and audited by third-party vendors in order to ensure your payments are aligned with the designated tree volumes.

A picture of a jungle

Accounting and Compliance

Payment Audits

Accounting audits are performed in order to verify payment balances to trees allocated that reflect volumes outlined in planting partner agreements. 

A farmer planting a crop

Accounting and Compliance

Planting Audits

Planting audits are performed in order to account for and verify that the correct volumes of trees and survival rates align with the program contract.

A man carrying trees

Planting Assurance

Planting Verification

Each tree is verified and accounted for throughout the planting process. This includes from nursery to planting, transparent timestamps, and geolocating for each tree unit, for each site. (Currently in beta testing with select partners).

A man teaching a woman about trees

Planting Assurance

Field Data 

Through direct report uploads from our field partners, tree data specific to your programs are accurate and auditable.

A man standing in a field holding a piece of paper

Planting Assurance


We work with industry-leading third-party technology and certification bodies, to audit and certify each client’s program volumes and claims.

A person typing on a laptop

Planting Assurance

Streamline Reporting

All this reporting, down to the single tree/transaction is streamlined through the RRG Restoration Dashboard and accessible via the dashboard interface for internal executive reporting, or the API for customer engagement.


Variety of Carbon Solutions

Through our programs, we have the ability to custom design a carbon solution project specific to your company’s goals.

Graphic design showing forest projects


Nature-Based Solutions

Our programs inherently sequester carbon. We provide a non-verified, but resource referenced carbon unit accounting to help showcase your company’s impacts via the restoration efforts made.

A graph design



We have the ability to design larger-scale projects for your organization to directly own Verified Carbon Units through a customized program. 

drone hovering over a design of analytics



Through our programs, we have the ability to custom-design a carbon solution project specific to your company’s goals.

image collage

Customer Engagement

API Engagement

The transparency offered in our planting programs help to strengthen our clients' customer relationships by showcasing how their individual contribution is tangible.

Customer Engagement

Customer Aggregator

Our technology allows us to aggregate planting impacts over time for each customer, allowing for unique ways to highlight re-occurring impact updates.

Customer Engagement

On-Site Documentation

Through our programs, we document the restoration process for each project via on-site media. By capturing these project stories both in photo and video format, we’re able to work with your brand to create high-quality, impactful, and unique content that resonates with your customers.

A man touching plants

Customer Engagement

Story Creation

We work with your marketing and CSR team to produce stories that showcase the meaningful impacts generated through the restoration efforts.

An aerial view of a forest with mountains in the background


Designed to increase CSR Metrics

We work with your team to increase customer engagement and help drive recurring sales. At the core of our model, we design programs that will deliver significant environmental impacts, that are also structured to drive an increase in ROI from CSR that directly engages the customer.

A line graph with a curve going up and down
Blue user interface


Increase Engagement

Our programs increase engagement in customer sales and provide additional touchpoints for storytelling, impact tracking, and full correspondence.

A person touching a tree


New Product and Market Reach

Use our programs to launch new sustainability-based products or reach specific client bases with a strong CSR value.

A picture of a jungle


Recurring Sales

Through the ability to create multiple re-occurring touchpoint opportunities, our program and technology allow for increased reoccurring sale potential through the impact your customers create.

Partner Database

Variety of Sites

We have a diverse and growing network of project partners with on the ground presences around the globe and have the ability to implement a range of restoration project types. This allows for us to design programs with impacts and stories that align with our clients brand and CSR goals and that are unique to them.

Learn More

We envision an economy where with each transaction, we can empower and generate diversified impacts globally for the betterment of society and nature. 

Our experiences have led us to develop a great appreciation for the natural world. We understand how essential it is to our well-being as individuals and as a collective. We also recognize where the world is, the challenges we face, and understand how simple and slight shifts in direction can make a drastic difference in our future. 

Collaborate with us
A large group of trees in a forest